causes and cure of hives

Hives is a major skin problem these days in which red and itchy bumps appears on skin. You can caught into hives due to several reasons. The medical term name of hives is urticaria. There are many types of urticaria, like warm urticaria, cold urticaria, solar urticaria and water urticaria. Whenever you have hives there will some reasons behind it.
Have you your diet plan completely?
Are you eating too much nuts, shell fish and shell food?
Have you pollen allergy?
Have you taken improper drugs?
If the answer of these questions is yes then try to get rid of these reasons. Hives are really painful indeed but it does not mean that they are incureable. The reasons I mention above cause chemical reactions in the body which release several types of chemicals and then these chemicals cause red bumbs on your skin.
Now here question is that How to get rid of hives fast?
Normally in normal person hives does create red bumps on skin in different size and different parts of body. Our skin seems to be raised from these parts of body. Mostly hives are due to imbalance diet and due to use of specific type of diet like dairy product, fish, nuts and preservatives which contains harmful chemicals. Some times hives also appear on body due to physical or stress pressure. For fast relief and first aid you can use milk of magnesia. What you have to do is just apply milk of magnesia on affected area.
The other remedy you can use to treat hives is use of paste made from cornstarch and oatmeal. Just spread this paste on affected area and allow it to dry. It will take almost 20 minutes to dry. After that take a shower and this will give you much relief. Some people does not like cornstarch so they can use sodium bicarbonate instead of cornstarch in this paste.
Third natural treatment of hives is drinking of green tea frequently. Try to drink peppermint and passionflower,s tea.
Oatmeal is a great natural resource to cure hives. Just boil it in hot water and then after straining it apply it on affected areas. There are hundreds of other natural remedies to cure hives but to use the you will have to follow a system. A proper system will surely help you to get rid of hives fast. Hives are painful for you and for your family then why not follow a system and get a peaceful life.
Recently well know health scientist Paulette Joynt introduced a special system in which she has covered all aspects of hives. Paulette Joynt has discussed many proven remedies to cure hives.
I had hives from past 20 years and suffered a lot due to hives. I was spending miserful life and mostly I had to cover my all body before going outside or any event. I was alone due to hives. Infact I tried many remedies and cources but all were in vain. Then one day one of my friend recommended me Paulette Joynt treatment course. Honestly this course has helped me a lot now my hives are gone and I am having a wonderful life.
I will recommend you to try this system to cure your hives. This system is with money back guarantee so you can try it without to get rid of hives fastso take action because you now you know how to get rid of hives fast.

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